Physical culture in the formation of technological competence of a student in the new conditions

Autor: Yana V. Chub
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Innotrans. :27-30
ISSN: 2311-164X
Popis: The analysis of the problems of modern training of a specialist in a technical university is carried out. The necessity in shaping the capability to overcome problems (tasks) in the conditions of changes is determined. The organizational and methodological conditions for the formation of technological competence of a student as a professionally important quality of a specialist are identified, and a method for its formation is proposed. The possibility of improving the quality of professional education in the new conditions of remote training of students by means of «Physical Culture and Sports» discipline is determined. The stages of self-training of a student in physical education, which is a key element in the formation of technological competence of a future specialist, are presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE