Analysis of Access to Public Support for Agriculture Modernisation from Rural Development Programme

Autor: Sebastian Moisa, S. Stankovic, Dejan Janković, Sabahudin Bajramović, Cosmin Salasan
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Advanced Research in Life Sciences. 1:38-43
ISSN: 2543-8050
Popis: The most popular measure of the National Rural Development Programme in Romania for 2007-2013 was the measure 121 addressing the support for modernisation of agriculture While the success at the level of the Programme is measured by the achievement level of the assumed indicators the present analysis is focused on differences between the volumes of proposed, selected, contracted and concluded projects. These differences as observations and findings contribute as learning points to the further use of public support for investments in agriculture by three main categories of users: the administration with the procedural enhancement in programme implementation, the beneficiaries improving their approach and readiness for applications/projects and the consultants in perfecting their tools and work to support and smoothen the resources transfer in the process.
Databáze: OpenAIRE