Effect of ��-irradiation on superconducting transition temperature and resistive transition in polycrystalline YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_(7-��)

Autor: Belevtsev, B. I., Volchok, I. V., Dalakova, N. V., Dotsenko, V. I., Ivanchenko, L. G., Kuznichenko, A. V., Logvinov, I. I.
Rok vydání: 2000
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.cond-mat/0003192
Popis: A bulk polycrystalline sample of YBa_(2)Cu_(3)O_(7-��) (��\approx 0.1) has been irradiated by ��-rays with ^{60}Co source. Non-monotonic behavior of T_{c} with increasing irradiation dose ��(up to 220 MR) is observed: T_{c} decreases at low doses (��< 50 MR) from initial value (\approx 93 K) by about 2 K and then rises, forming a minimum. At higher doses (��> 120 MR) T_{c} goes down again. The temperature width of resistive transition increases rather sharply with dose below 75 MR and drops somewhat at higher dose. The results observed are discussed, taking into account the granular structure of sample studied and the influence of ��-rays on intergrain Josephson coupling.
2 pages, to appear in the proceeding of M2S-HTSC-VI conference, Houston
Databáze: OpenAIRE