Anthropology and Bio-cultural Adaptation of the Ancient Nasca Inhabitants

Autor: Andrea G. Drusini
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: The Ancient Nasca World ISBN: 9783319470504
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47052-8_5
Popis: Bone findings belonging to 469 individuals (skeletons and mummies) excavated at sites of Pueblo Viejo, Cahuachi, Estaqueria, and Atarco in Nasca, Peru, were studied. Archaeological evidence distinguishes three cultural phases: Nasca, Huari and Chincha. The paleodemographic data show that the infant death rate was 115‰ during the Nasca phase and 371‰ during the Huari phase. The life expectancy was 31–33 years, and was probably longer for females. The death rate for adults (21–40 years) increased from the Nasca to the Huari phase. From the anthropometric point of view, people of both sexes were of modest stature and fairly robust. Deformed skulls were frequent: rising to 75% for males and 73% for females during the Nasca phase; 56% for males and 13% for females during the Huari phase. Plagiocephaly was also present in some specimens. Nasca and Huari individuals can be discriminated according to some anthropometric measurements, e.g., splanchnocranium and post-cranial skeletons. The peoples from Nasca Valley had anthropological affinities with other coastal populations, but some characteristics recall the ancient Sierra inhabitants.
Databáze: OpenAIRE