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Br ushless DC mot or has the adva ntages of si mple st ructure, re liable oper ation, conve nient ma intenance, hig h ef ficiency, no exc itation los s and good spe ed re gulation per formance. Da hlin al gorithm is to fi nd a re asonable dig ital re gulator D(z ), whi ch ca n ma ke the cl osed-loop tr ansfer func tion of the sy stem is equi valent to a com bination of an ine rtia li nk and a del ay li nk, to ac hieve a good cont rol ef fect.Brushless DC mot or is a mul ti var iable, st rongly coupl ed nonli near sy stem, and the fi xed par ameters of Da hlin re gulator ca n not ge t ide al cont rol per formance inde x. In thi s pape r, as the cont rol obje ct, the brus hless DC mot or is bas ed on the BP neur al net work, and the Da hlin cont roller bas ed on neur al net work for brus hless DC mot or is des igned. |