Wireless Remote Health Monitoring System Based on GPRS for Mountainous Highway Subgrade along Reservoir Bank

Autor: Zong Ling Yan, He Jun Chai, Hai Ping Li
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Applied Mechanics and Materials. :1681-1687
ISSN: 1662-7482
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.178-181.1681
Popis: Health monitoring is an important means for researching dynamic changing rules of deformation stability of subgrade along reservoir bank in mountainous area. The key parameters are chosen considering that highway subgrade is linear engineering, and monitoring points distribute widely and dispersively. A remote health monitoring system is set up based on GPRS technique which provides long distance wireless transmission of health monitoring data for mountainous highway subgrade along reservoir bank. So as to analyze health of subgrade along reservoir bank and discover potential disease timely which provide scientific basis for construction decision, safety operation and subgrade disease prevention and control.
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