A Time Schedule of the Meiotic and Early Mitotic Stages ofIlyanassa

Autor: James N. Cather
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Caryologia. 16:663-670
ISSN: 2165-5391
Popis: SUMMARY1. The characteristics and duration of the meiotic and mitotic stages during the early development of the prosobranch gastropod Ilyanassa = Nassarius obsoletus Say were studied. These were correlated with the external morphology of the egg and blastomeres.2. At 23±1°C. the duration of metaphase and anaphase, both meiotic and mitotic, is about 10 minutes. Telophase I lasts 10 minutes; telophase II, 30 minutes; and the mitotic telophases 25 minutes. Prometaphase II lasts 10 minutes as does the prometaphase before the first cleavage. Prometaphase before the second and third cleavage lasts 5 minutes. Interphase has a duration of 30 minutes and prophase a duration of 25 minutes.
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