Implementasi Strategi Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil (BMT) Dalam Mengurangi Dampak Negatif Praktik Rentenir (Studi Kasus di BMT Al-Kahfi Jombang)

Autor: Nur Islamiyah
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: JIES : Journal of Islamic Economics Studies. 1
ISSN: 2723-7591
DOI: 10.33752/jies.v1i1.196
Popis: Luck fund include of the problem that usually happened by middle and lower society causes a part of society borrow the money from moneylenders. Presence of BMT Al-Kahfi Jombang as microfinance institutions directed in middle and lower society become the alternative for society inorder to avoid the practice of moneylenders. Research method that used qualitative with descriptive analyse throught a phenomenological approach in the object of research. Technique of collecting data that used interview, obsevation, and documentation. This research result show that moneylenders practice in Legi Market Jombang there are two kinds moneylenders with KSP and private, with negative effect that caused are between spread the practice of usury and inhibiting the growth of the community’s economy especially small tranders, while the strategy of implementation of BMT Al-Kahfi Jombang in reducing negative effect of moneylenders which leads to marketing strategy
Databáze: OpenAIRE