Effect of restricted feeding on productive and carcass traits of rabbits

Autor: Zsolt Szendrő, Róbert Romvári, Zsolt Matics, István Radnai
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis. 26:27-39
ISSN: 1418-1789
Popis: The study examined the age-dependent feed restriction on growing rabbits' growth and carcass traits. Three groups of weaned rabbits (5 weeks of age, n=243)) were established: AL=control group: ad libitum feeding during the whole fattening period (n=81), RF65 group: 65% of the feed consumption of AL during the first two weeks after weaning, 80% in the third, 100% in the fourth week and ad libitum afterward (n=81), RF70 group: 70% in the first two weeks, 80% in the third, 100% in the fourth week and ad libitum till slaughtering (n=81). Feed consumption was in line with the planned level during the feed restriction period. After finishing the restriction at 100%, the feed consumption increased rapidly, and it was higher between 9 and 11 weeks of age than that of the AL group (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE