Taxonomic importance of the pollen grain morphology in «Quercus coccifera» s.l

Autor: Edi Defrancesco, Francesca Chiesura Lorenzoni
Rok vydání: 1984
Zdroj: Webbia. 38:659-664
ISSN: 2169-4060
DOI: 10.1080/00837792.1984.10670334
Popis: The pollen grains of Quercus coccifera s.l. are characterized by a lined exine made up to long flat plicae with abundant perforations of the tectum (SMIT, 1973) and a long colpus with a membrane, rugulate edges and evident porus (MARIANI COLOMBO, CHIESURA LORENZONI, GRIGOLETTO, 1983). This morphology was only rarely observed in the grains collected from numerous plants in certain places in Italy, during spring flowering as well as other periods. They occasionally present a very smooth exine, or, more frequently, an exine densely covered by Verrucae with a scabre surface, and crossed outside by microrugulae. In few cases even the colpus is larger. We think that these variations of exine structure together with grains measurements of polar and aequatorial axes may suggest an introgressive hybridization between different subgenera.
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