Taurine Intake of Korean Breast-Fed Infants during Lactation

Autor: Hee-Kyung Ro, Jean Moon, Eul-Sang Kim, Young-Nam Lee, Kum-Ho Cho, Mee-Ah Park, Kyu-Han Lee
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ISBN: 9781489901842
Popis: The roles of taurine in human nutrition and physiology have been intensively reviewed1, 11, 13, 21, 24. Recent interest in taurine metabolism and its nutritional requirement for humans has centered around the discovery that retinal degeneration and blindness develops in taurine-deficient cats9, 11, 21, the observed depression in plasma and urine taurine concentrations in infants fed taurine-free formulas5 and in children and adults maintained on long-termparenteral nutrition6, 7, 23, 26.
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