Goal Orientation and Learning Readiness: Evidence Among Freshmen in Selected Kenyan Universities

Autor: Mose, Evelyne Kwamboka, Aloka, Peter JO, Mwebi, Benard
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.11575/ajer.v68i1.70594
Popis: This study, which adopted an ex post facto research design, investigated the relationship between goal orientation and learning readiness among first year students in three public universities in Kenya. A sample size of 372 first years from the three universities were obtained using both stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The Goal Questionnaire for Students (GQS) and the Learning Readiness Questionnaire (LRQ) were used to collect data. The findings reported Eta squared (.547) which implied that a fairly large proportion (54.7%) of variance in he learning readiness index among the first year students is explained by goal orientation of the students. Results from the study determined that universities should emphasize techniques of performance approach in their guidance programs. Key words: Goal Orientation, Learning Readiness, first year, students, universities, Kenya Cette ��tude, qui a adopt�� une conception de recherche ex post facto, a examin�� la relation entre l'orientation vers un objectif et la pr��paration �� l'apprentissage chez les ��tudiants de premi��re ann��e dans trois universit��s publiques du Kenya. Un ��chantillon de 372 ��tudiants de premi��re ann��e des trois universit��s a ��t�� obtenu en utilisant des techniques d'��chantillonnage al��atoire simple et stratifi��. Le Goal Questionnaire for Students (GQS) et le Learning Readiness Questionnaire (LRQ) ont ��t�� utilis��s pour collecter les donn��es. Les r��sultats font ��tat d'un coefficient Eta carr�� (.547) qui implique qu'une proportion assez importante (54,7%) de la variance de l'indice de pr��paration �� l'apprentissage chez les ��tudiants de premi��re ann��e s���explique par l'orientation des objectifs des ��tudiants. Les r��sultats de l'��tude ont d��termin�� que les universit��s devraient mettre l'accent sur les techniques d'approche de la performance dans leurs programmes d'orientation. Mots cl��s: orientation vers un but, pr��paration �� l'apprentissage, premi��re ann��e, ��tudiants, universit��s, Kenya
Alberta Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 68 No. 1 (2022): Spring
Databáze: OpenAIRE