Examining Relationships Between Perceived Psychological Need Satisfaction and Behavioral Regulations in Exercise

Autor: W. Todd Rogers, Philip M. Wilson
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research. 13:119-142
ISSN: 1751-9861
Popis: The purpose of this study was to examine the proposition that psychological need satisfaction plays a role in the motives regulating exercise behavior. Participants completed self-report instruments assessing perceived psychological need satisfaction and exercise regulation at the outset and end of a 12-week structured exercise class. Greater perceived psychological need satisfaction predicted endorsement of more self-determined exercise regulations in the structural equation modeling analysis. Change score analyses revealed that increased perceived need fulfillment was positively correlated with more self-determined exercise regulations, although this pattern was most prominent for competence and autonomy. Collectively, these findings indicate perceptions of competence and autonomy—and to a lesser extent relatedness—and represent important factors shaping exercise motivation. Continued investigation of basic psychological need fulfillment via exercise appears justified.
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