Applying Direct Peer Feedback to Foster Vocational School Students’ English Writing Performance

Autor: Wildan Mahir Muttaqin, Emilia Yunita, Sujito Sujito, Trisno Tunggal Rahayu Wilujeng, Rina Widjajanti
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities.
DOI: 10.5220/0007420103350339
Popis: By expecting to give theoretical and practical contribution to English as Vocational Purposes (EVP) as part of English as Special Purposes (ESP) in vocational high schools, this study is conducted with an aim at determining whether there is significant difference between vocational students’ writing performance treated using direct peer feedback, teacher feedback and no specific feedback. This study uses a quasi-experimental design in which three assigned groups as experimental and control groups are given direct peer feedback contrasted to teacher feedback and non feedback application. Inter-rater scoring rubric using Jacob’s ESL Writing Assessment considering Language Use, Mechanic and Rhetoric as aspects is used to score students’ writing performance. Research findings shows that there is significant difference between students’ writing performance taught using direct peer feedback compared from students’ writing performance using teacher feedback and conventional with no special feedback instruction. It is also found that direct peer feedback is even more effective than teacher feedback.
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