High Capacity Reversible Steganography on CMY and HSI Color Images Using Image Interpolation

Autor: R.S. Vinod Kumar, V.K. Reshma, D. K. Shahi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Webology. 18:133-148
ISSN: 1735-188X
Popis: Steganography using image interpolation has created a new research area in multimedia communication. A reversible data concealing in HSI and CMY color models using image interpolation is proposed in this paper. The HSI and CMY image models are interpolated using High Capacity Reversible Steganography (CRS) technique. The median plane of both HSI and CMY color models are selected for secret message bit concealing. The secret message bits are concealed in the cover plane by Exclusive OR (XOR) operation. Since the cover image is recovered after secret message bit retrieval, this finds application in military and medical imaging applications. The experimental results of proposed scheme showed very high embedding capacity of about 16 bits in each pixel location of calculated pixel value, good image quality with a surface similarity index measure (SSIM) value 1 and high PSNR. Also, high robustness is achieved on comparing with the existing works.
Databáze: OpenAIRE