Green governance? Local politics and ethical businesses in Great Britain

Autor: Curtis E. Ziniel, Tony Bradley
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Business Ethics: A European Review. 26:18-30
ISSN: 0962-8770
DOI: 10.1111/beer.12134
Popis: One of the least understood aspects of the world-wide ‘greening of markets’ (Kuhn 2005) is the emergence of local ‘ethical marketplaces’ and the sub-set of alternative business models described as ‘ethical businesses’ (Henderson 2006; Gibson-Graham 2008; Williams 2015). But previous research has demonstrated the ability of local politicians to encourage their regions toward more ethical marketplaces (Malpass et al. 2007). This paper explores the impact radical centrist third-party representation has on the emergence of ethical businesses across Great Britain. To understand this relationship, we utilize a novel dataset of organizations with membership in Ethical Junction, the UK’s largest network for ethical businesses. We use a zero-inflated Poisson regression to model the connection, and find a meaningful relationship, between third-party political representation on British local councils and the presence of ethical businesses within local authorities. This presents an example of the way in which radical political change may be part of a wider social movement towards greening markets.
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