Footprints of foods and culinary preparations consumed in Brazil / Pegadas de alimentos e preparações culinárias consumidos no Brasil - Data source

Autor: Garzillo, Josefa Maria, Louzada, Maria, Machado, Priscila, Levy, Renata, Monteiro, Carlos
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: All data collected here are part of the ebook "Footprints of foods and culinary preparations consumed in Brazil". Here is presented the complete data used to calculate carbon, water and ecological footprints of foods and culinary preparations consumed in Brazil, a tool developed to enable the studies of a thesis named The food and its environmental impacts: approaches of national food guides and study of Brazilians diet , which was presented at the Global Health and Sustainability PhD Program of the Faculty of Public Health of the University of São Paulo. The has both Portuguese and English versions. DOI: 10.11606/9788588848368 (ebook in Portuguese) DOI: 10.11606/9788588848405 ( in English) Licença: “É permitida a reprodução parcial ou total desta obra, desde que citada a fonte e autoria, proibindo qualquer uso para fins comerciais.”
Databáze: OpenAIRE