SANS Study of Phase Decomposition in Fe-Cu Alloy with Ni and Mn Addition

Autor: Kazuo Asano, Kozo Osamura, Fumio Kurosawa, Koji Kishida, Michihiro Furusaka, Ryuji Uemori, Hiroshi Okuda
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: ISIJ International. 34:346-354
ISSN: 0915-1559
Popis: Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) measurements were carried out to investigate the structural change during the early stage of phase decomposition in Fe-Cu-Ni-Mn quaternary alloy. Data analysis of scattering intensities showed that the nuclear Guinier radius becomes larger than the magnetic one beyond about 2 nm. This is suggested to be attributable to the formation of segregated layer enriched by Ni and Mn around fcc copper-rich precipitate. This segregation was confirmed directly by atom-probe (AP) analysis and approved from a thermodynamic point of view. The calculated SANS intensities are well fitted to experimental data of both magnetic and nuclear components of neutron scatterings. Addition of Ni and Mn in Fe-Cu binary alloy was suggested to promote the precipitation reaction of e-Cu phase.
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