Combining Academic Advising with a Freshman Orientation Course in an Integrated Baccalaureate–Medical Degree Program: Evaluation of the System

Autor: Susan M. Richardson, Jodie Meyer, Louis L. Cregler, Dani L. McBeth
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: NACADA Journal. 20:16-20
ISSN: 2330-3840
Popis: The effectiveness of an advising system that combines a freshman seminar course taught by advisors for the students that they advise in a combined baccalaureate‐medical degree program was analyzed. Students reported satisfaction with the seminar course, and more than 80% felt that they were more likely to seek out their advisor as a result of participating in this course. After the new advising system was implemented, the number of students receiving an A or B in a required biology course increased from nearly 70% to approximately 80%. In addition, students’ first year grade-point averages increased modestly. Students entering integrated baccalaureate‐medical degree (BS/MD) programs face a unique set of problems. These students experience the same adjustment problems typical of freshman college students. These problems range from difficulties adapting to a new academic environment with new expectations and new rules, to worries about making new friends and learning about the location of various campus offices. When the stressors related to the accelerated nature of most integrated BS/MD programs become part of the student’s burden, the problems typical of the first-year college student are magnified.
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