Malware detection by meta-information of used system functions

Autor: Alexey Kirillov, Ludmila Babenko
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: SIN
Popis: The method of detecting malicious software proposed in this paper makes it possible to detect malicious samples as a separate class, without reference to the specific features of a particular family. To solve this problem, we use a set of quantitative characteristics, developed on the basis of qualitative data on the test sample, obtained as a result of static and behavioral analysis of samples. At the same time, a key role in the formation of the feature space is played by meta-information about the system functions used, obtained as a result of behavioral analysis. According to the results of experimental studies, it was revealed that the error in the clustering of malware samples is up to 42% less than in competing classification methods.
Databáze: OpenAIRE