About the phenomenon of «post-pandemic» reality and the social purpose of the state

Autor: A. G. Naumov, T. A. Naumova, L. R. Romanovskaya
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Juridical Journal of Samara University. 8:7-18
ISSN: 2782-2990
DOI: 10.18287/2542-047x-2022-8-3-7-18
Popis: Until now, there is no single view on the concept of state. Leading domestic and foreign legal institutions recognize this problem as highly controversial and not fully resolved. The concept of state came to us from ancient times and it will constantly change depending on the socio-political characteristics of the current historical period. The COVID -19 epidemic has made significant changes in the socio-economic way of life of a huge number of states, including Russia. Because of these processes, prerequisites have appeared for the formation of a still little-studied phenomenon of post-pandemic social reality, which needs a comprehensive study. The purpose of the article is to consider the concept, features, essence and social purpose of the state and the phenomenon of post-pandemic social reality. The objectives of the scientific article are to reveal the concept and identify the signs of the state, to analyze the essence and social purpose of the state on the example of the Russian Federation, consider the phenomenon of post-pandemic social reality and its impact on our country. The methodological basis of this research is the universal dialectical method of cognition, as well as general scientific and particular scientific methods: historical, systemic, formal-logical, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, statistical, formal-legal, comparative-legal methods, methods of interpretation of law. Conclusions: each state is unique in its own way and has a number of specific features. At the same time, each state has generalizing features, such as territorial integrity, taxation, the presence of public authority, etc. The state will always remain in the focus of attention of many scientists due to their increased interest in the fundamental features of the state and its essence. The essence of the state is stable. However, it is impossible to neglect external and internal factors that can modify the essence of the state, make some adjustments to it, change the content. The Russian Federation will continue to strive by all available means to become a socially oriented power with highly developed social institutions, strong public support from state structures and a developed network of non-profit foundations. For this status, it has all the necessary tools at its disposal rich cultural heritage, vast expanses with a huge amount of resources, and scientific and legal base. The phenomenon of post-pandemic social reality in the scientific space has appeared quite recently, but it quite clearly characterizes the fundamental changes that have occurred in the life of Russian society against the background of the protracted coronavirus pandemic. These changes affected not only the healthcare system, but also the development and integration of new technologies, the labor market, demographic indicators and many other indicators. The timely use of state reserves aimed at strengthening funding for industries in need, the ongoing training of highly qualified personnel, the development and implementation of proven innovations, and support for the socially vulnerable population will help to avoid such incidents in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE