Cost-benefit trade-off in deliberate reasoning and the role of need for cognition

Autor: Pfuhl, Gerit, Abukar, Fozia
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Masterproject on deliberate reasoning (14 items from heuristic and problem-solving literature) taken unlimited, time-limited and incentivized. To disentangle the role of motivation and analytical ability we also measure Need for Cognition, numeracy and verbal intelligence. I) We expect that a person’s Need for Cognition, as a propensity for motivation to engage in cognitively demanding tasks, is positively correlated with performance in the rational task battery. II) We expect that a person’s intelligence correlates with the person’s deliberate reasoning ability, i.e. the higher the analytical abilities, as measured with the Berlin numeracy test (numerical intelligence) and Word sum test (verbal intelligence), the higher the deliberate reasoning score (here also abbreviated with RQ for Rationality Quotient, the sum sore from the rational task battery). III) We expect, as a corollary from I) that perceived / subjective effort of performing the rational task battery is lower among person’s high in NFC. This is measured with the NASA task load index (Hart, 2006). IV) We expect that a person’s curiosity for science and research is positively correlated with their NFC. Curiosity is measured with the subscale from the 5-Dimensional curiosity scale (Kashdan et al., 2018) Research question 1 – effect of incentives of deliberate reasoning (conceptual replication of Sandra and Otto, 2018): 1A) Will persons with low need for cognition perform better on deliberate reasoning tasks when incentivized compared to their performance at baseline where no incentives are provided? 1A adjunct) Will this also be seen as spending more time on the items? 1B) Will persons with high need for cognition perform similar on deliberate reasoning tasks when incentivized compared to their performance at baseline with no incentive? Research question 2 – effect of time pressure / limits of algorithmic ability: 2A) Will persons with high algorithmic ability perform similar on deliberate reasoning tasks when time pressured compared to performance at baseline with no time pressure? 2B) Will persons with low algorithmic ability perform similar or worse on deliberate reasoning tasks when time pressured compared to performance at baseline with no time pressure? Research question 3 – perceived effort 3A) Will perceived effort at baseline correlate with performance and need for cognition? 3B) Will perceived effort and temporal effort be higher in the time-pressure condition than in the baseline condition? 3C) For those for whom the time-pressure condition is not more effortful, is this due to them having fast response times in the baseline condition? Assumptions (need to be met to continue with testing hypotheses) 1) Participants high in NFC have higher RQ scores at baseline than participants low in NFC, i.e. in accordance with previous studies we expect a positive correlation between NFC and RQ of at least .4 2) Our sample varies in their algorithmic ability, here assessed with Berlin numeracy test and Wordsum test 3) Perceived effort is higher in time-pressure than baseline condition. For participants for whom that is not true, the manipulation may not have worked and they will be excluded
Databáze: OpenAIRE