Options for the Human Settlement of the Moon and Mars

Autor: Barney B. Roberts, Kyle O. Fairchild
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growth
DOI: 10.2134/1989.lunarbaseagriculture.c1
Popis: The evolutionary approach to space development is discussed in the framework of three overall strategies encompassing four case studies. The first strategy, human expeditions, places emphasis on highly visible, near-term manned missions to Mars or to one of the two moons of Mars. These expeditions are similar in scope and objectives to the Apollo program, with infrastructure development only conducted to the degree necessary to support one or two short-duration trips. Two such expeditionary scenarios, one to Phobus and the other to the Mars surface, are discussed. The second strategy involves the construction of science outposts, and emphasizes scientific exploration as well as investigation of technologies and operations needed for permanent habitation. A third strategy, evolutionary expansion, would explore and settle the inner solar system in a series of steps, with continued development of technologies, experience, and infrastructure.
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