Wound healing potential of chloroform extract of leaf and fruit of Morinda pubescens – An in silico and in vitro approach

Autor: Dinesh G, Dhana Sekar, T. K. Gopal, Mathan Kumar S, D. Chamundeeswari, Gayathri P
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: The Journal of Phytopharmacology. 7:167-174
ISSN: 2320-480X
Popis: Genus Morinda grows in the wild areas and extensively distributed over southern India. In India, many species have been found available, of which Morinda pubescens (Synonym: Morinda tinctoria) predominantly grows as a weed tree in vacant agricultural land. It has been cultivated in different parts of Tamilnadu state of India. It is widely used in the Indian traditional system of medicine. Based on the folklore claim Insilico and Invitro studies were performed using several methods. Docking experiment was carried on with iGemdock, docking software to initially study the energy binding values of constituents. Having studied the various experiments, Glycogen synthase kinase and several MMP’s [1] was used as a protein. Energy binding values showed up prompt results which indicate the affinity of the molecules towards the protein. Plant extract at three different concentrations was taken and MTT assay was performed. Then, with the help of the C2C12 cell line which is a muscle cell line, we evaluated the effect of our plant extract on the cells. Among the chloroform extract of leaf (100µg/ml) and fruit (100µg/ml), fruit extract was found to have the efficiency to fill the gaps between cells with newer ones and better elongation of cells compared to control (Nutrient treated).
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