Autor: I.N. Zhabin, I.V. Shirikov, T.A. Smolyanin, D.O. Leushin, I.N. Eremkina, S.L. Kolbakhov, A.E. Smirnov, D.O. Ponkin, N.A. Malyshev, E.A. Butenko, E.A. Davydov, E.S. Matyukhanov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Bulletin of Dubna International University for Nature, Society, and Man. Series: Natural and engineering sciences. :47-51
ISSN: 1818-0744
Popis: A new technique of distance learning of high school students in engineering disciplines in demand in modern experimental physics is presented. In the learning process, the student in practice solves a set of tasks that correspond to the real problems that arise when conducting modern physical research. For this purpose, an online engineering workshop was developed and implemented, including a modular type laboratory installation, with which it became possible to organize the implementation of various physical experiments using modern methods of a scientific experiment. Users can perform tasks remotely over the Internet, while simultaneously observing the actual process of the installation using a web camera, which provides a certain effect of presence.
Databáze: OpenAIRE