Effect of the Functionalization Compound in the Interaction and Response of a Smectic-A liquid crystal to a Nanometer Particle (abstract)

Autor: L. J. Martínez-Miranda, Lynn K. Kurihara, R. Rabiu, Beverly Karplus Hartline, Renee K. Horton, Catherine M. Kaicher
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
Popis: We have studied the in‐plane (parallel to the magnetic field) alignment of 8CB mixed with FeCo nanoparticles covered with different funtionalization compounds. The functionalization compounds are Polyethelene glycol (PEG (3000)), hydroxyl succinimide (NHS), aminopropyl tri‐ethoxy silane (APTS) and mercapto hexa‐decanoic acid (MHDA). We have developed a phenomenological theory to explain how the liquid crystal will interact with the nanoparticles in the presence of a magnetic field given a different functionalization compound, and have studied them using X‐ray scattering. We find that the inverse integrated intensity of the X‐ray scans in the plane of the magnetic field is a good measure of how much energy the system (liquid crystal, nanoparticles, functionalization compound) will need to reorient the liquid crystal in the magnetic field. In addition to the surface energy and the relative size energy, other factors can influence how easily the liquid crystal reorients. If the surface term W is weak the mag...
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