From geomorphosite assessment and mapping to experiential geosciences-based tourism activities: the case of the Monte Serrone Fault geosite (Central Italy)

Autor: Tommaso Piacentini, Umberto Di Salvatore, Gianclemente Berardini, Antonio De Ioris, Luca Roselli, Enrico Miccadei
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5194/icg2022-412
Popis: Sites of past natural disasters, even if connected to dramatic events, can be valued from the perspective of geotourism, as opportunities to learn about the magnitude of natural processes and to better understand the role of human factors, especially exposure to risk.In the central Apennines (Italy), the Monte Serrone site (Marsica area, Gioia dei Marsi, Aq) is connected the historical Fucino earthquake (13 January 1915), with the abandonment of the Sperone village and the destruction of the old town of Manaforno. This site has been subject of a >7 years geoheritage enhancement activity.The activity started in 2015, the Fucino 2015 Eq. centenary, through preparatory activities followed by several events. They were managed by a no profit association (Monte Serrone Association), founded by local young people with the specific aim of geoheritage and landscape valorization, which has worked as connection among university (“d’Annunzio” University Chieti Pescara) e local governmental bodies (Gioia dei Marsi Municipality).In this work we present the methodological approach followed, from geoheritage assessment/mapping, in connection to cultural heritage and flora-fauna values, to geotourism promotion/practices, to educational projects, and geosciences dissemination events.The Geoheritage assessment was based on the Geological Survey of Italy and the main international literature, defining the Geosite of the Mount Morrone Fault (National Inventory of Geosites, ISPRA). It is a geomorphosite of tectonic origin, consisting of a fault related scarp inserted in a wide fault-related slope, where the evidence of tectonic activity are well exposed. The municipality made the geomorphosite accessible through the tracking and fixing of a hiking path network. The geomorphosite was mapped in detail producing a geological tourist map (at the second edition in Italian and English), as a tool for the dissemination of the geological knowledge of the Fucino area and faults/seismic risk awareness and for the promotion of a geological landscape.These preparatory activities made several events possible: i) 6 geosciences conferences (2500 people attended + > 1000 people online); ii) 5 main educational field trip for high schools; iii) ~50 geological touristic field trips for tourist groups and associations, and others of private groups and single tourists (>2000-2500 people visiting the geosite); iv) field trip of geological conferences and international masters.These activities were self-funded by the association, through specific projects submitted to local bank foundations, as well as supported by the municipality. Now, a local seismic room, connected to a local seismometers network, is in progress for a further valorization of the geosite area and will support both scientific activities and the development of new experiential geosciences-based tourism activities. This improved approach is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of geological/geomorphological processes and hazards, which with adequate knowledge and proper land management, can be lived with.The Monte Serrone case is a positive example of synergy between scientific activity, enhancement of the territory and development of internal mountain areas. Geotourism promotes the understanding of landscape and is triggering a positive mechanism of populations’ benefit from the sustainable use of resources and the management and protection of geodiversity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE