Applications of compounds recovered from olive mill waste

Autor: Dino Mastrocola, Federica Flamminii, Rodrigo González-Ortega, Paola Pittia, Carla Di Mattia, Maria Angela Perito
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The chapter presents the state-of-the-art on the utilization of phenolic compounds derived from olive mill waste as ingredients in food products. A general introduction regarding the olive oil production chain is presented, focusing on the three main waste streams (olive leaves, olive mill wastewater, and olive pomace), which are well detailed from the chemical composition, bioactive profile, and recovery methods point of view. Encapsulation strategies are discussed in order to provide innovative knowledge regarding the stabilization of polyphenols extract recovered by olive wastes. The latest results of the studies regarding the exploitability of valuable compounds recovered from by-products are deeply discussed, and consumer acceptance of olive oil by-products used as a food ingredient is presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE