Continuously Pumped YAG:Nd Scanlaser with Intracavity Plzt-Based Spatial-Time Light Modulator

Autor: V. N. Alekseev, K. V. Grigorjev, V. N. Kotylev, V. l. Liber, V. G. Talalaev
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Europe.
DOI: 10.1364/cleo_europe.1998.ctui88
Popis: Intracavity electrically-controlled scanning of laser radiation direction is a promising method of the non-mechanic laser beam sending to the given space point. In paper [1,2] the application PLZT-based electrically-controlled spatial-time light modulator (STLM) for scanning of the YAG:Nd laser and Cu vapor laser radiation was given for the first time.
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