Reading interventions for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities: a review

Autor: Casy Walters, Andrea Barton-Hulsey, Mary Ann Romski, Rose A. Sevcik
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities ISBN: 9780128171738
Popis: Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities often encounter great difficulty in learning to read. For individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, reading can become the key to functional independence spanning educational gains and future employments. Recent advances in reading research obtained from children who are typically developing or children with identified reading disabilities can provide a critical infusion of evidence about the reading process, its development, and its instruction. The paper discusses dimensions of reading and issues of assessment and intervention for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Educational research and practice for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities are advanced by recent outcomes from these studies.
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