A probabilistic approach to multivariable robust filtering prediction and smoothing

Autor: M. Sternad, Anders Ahlén, K. Ohrn
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
DOI: 10.1109/cdc.1993.325379
Popis: A new approach to robust filtering, prediction and smoothing of discrete-time signal vectors is presented. Linear time-invariant filters are designed to be insensitive to spectral uncertainty in signal models. The goal is to obtain a simple design method, leading to filters which are not overly conservative. Modelling errors are described by sets of models, parametrized by random variables with known covariances. A robust design is obtained by minimizing the H/sub 2/-norm of the estimation error, averaged with respect to the assumed model errors. A polynomial solution, based on an averaged spectral factorization and a unilateral Diophantine equation, is presented. The robust estimator is referred to as a cautious Wiener filter. It turns out to be only slightly more complicated to design than an ordinary Wiener filter. >
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