Magnification devices in dentistry: a review
Autor: | İnci Rana Karaca, Mert Gündoğdu |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Ortadoğu Tıp Dergisi. 10:374-380 |
ISSN: | 2548-0251 1309-3630 |
Popis: | Magnifying systems in dentistry, range from compound lopues to prism telescopic loupes and vast variety of surgical microscopes. Compound loupes have an array of convergent multiple lenses. Galilean loupes are lightweight, cheap and are simple to operate while compared to other compound loupes. Their only disadvantages are limited magnification and a blurry peripheral border of the visual field. Prismatic loupes provide better magnification, wider depths of field. This also ensures the users to have long working distances and if compared with other loops they have larger fields of view. The ranges of magnification of these loupes are around 1.5x to 6x. The surgical microscopes provide much greater magnification, higher optical performance when matched with normal dental loupes. The advantages of surgical microscopes are that the focusing or the changes in magnification can be done real time. Objective lens and illumination is in par with the viewer's line of vision, consequently, the surgical spot will be lightened and the surgeon avails a shadow-free clear vision. The powerful magnifications that are more than 16x, in some instances as high as 32x or 40x, are commonly used for diagnostic purposes. Intra-surgical examinations and some type of "difficult-to-detect" findings are located using such microscopes. Keywords: Magnification Devices, Dental Microscope, Dental Loupes, Microsurgery, Prismatic Loupes Oz Dis hekimliginde kullanilan buyutme sistemleri, bilesik luplar, Galilean luplar, prizmatik luplar, ve cerrahi operasyon mikroskoplarina varan cesitlilikler gostermektedir. Bilesik luplarda konverjan (yakinsak) mercekler belirli bir duzene gore yerlestirilir. Galilean tipi luplar, bilesik luplara gore daha ucuz, kullanimi kolay ve hafiftir. Buyutme oranin limitli olmasi ve gorus alaninin periferal kisminin bulanik olmasi bu luplarin dezavantajidir. Prizmatik luplarda ise buyutme orani ve alan derinligi artmistir ve daha uzun calisma mesafesi saglayarak gorus alanini arttirmaktadir. Buyutme araligi x1.5 ile x6 arasinda degismektedir. Cerrahi mikroskoplar, dental luplar ile karsilastirildiginda daha ustun buyutme gucu ve optik performans sunar. Cerrahi mikroskoplarin onemli avantajlari ise odaklamanin veya buyutmedeki degisikliklerin islem sirasinda yapilabiliyor olmasi, isigin verildigi ve goruntunun alindigi kaynak ayni oldugu icin golge olusmamasidir. Daha net ve buyutulmus bir goruntu, eksizyonel islemlerde, sinir cerrahisinde, yumusak doku greftlemesi gibi islemlerde fayda saglamaktadir. x16’dan daha buyuk, x32 veya x40 buyutmeye sahip mikroskoplar genellikle tani amaciyla kullanilmaktadir. Cerrahi sirasindaki tespit edilmesi zor olan bulgular bu tip mikroskoplar ile teshis edilebilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimler: Buyutme sistemleri, dental mikroskop,dental lup, mikrocerrahi, prizmatik luplar |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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