Pulsed UVB Irradiation Converts 7-Dehydrocholesterol to Previtamin D3 and Photoproducts

Autor: Z. Lu, Tai C. Chen, Michael F. Holick, D. G. Changaris
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Biologic Effects of Light 2001 ISBN: 9781461353133
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-0937-0_5
Popis: As a first step toward documenting efficacy of the Mark IV (Synaptic Tan, Inc., Louisville, KY, synaptictan.com) for clinical vitamin D3 augmentation we sought to determine whether in vitro photoactivation of 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC) occurs. The Mark IV provides uniform illumination (± 15%) over 0.5 m2 at 60 cm utilizing non-spatial collimation with 20–100 µ pulses of UVB/UVA. The optically coated reflectors serve as highly effective bandpass filters with output ranging over 270–370 nm with little light measured above and below this range. The device delivers 1 FDA corrected MED within 1-4 minutes depending on pulse rate and distance. Glass ampoules (total 27) containing 7-DHC in methanol were exposed to 0.5, 1, and 2 MED at 30, 45, and 60 cm. Assay for preVitamin D3 (preD3), Lumisterol (L3), and Tachysterol (T3) identified a dose-dependent linear relationship for the formation of preD3 independent of distance. This confirms that “reciprocity” is preserved with 20–100 µ pulses.
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