Scalable coarse WDM transceiver modules for satellite applications

Autor: D. Kumar, S. Mahnkopf, P.S. Guilfoyle, D.A. Louderback, U. Retnasingham, M. Harris, T. Eustis
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: 2009 IEEE/LEOS Winter Topicals Meeting Series.
DOI: 10.1109/leoswt.2009.4771629
Popis: Increasingly demanding requirements on the data communication networks in satellites is pushing the limits of electrical interconnect capabilities. Optical interconnects have been slow to be adopted in this application space due to the harsh environmental conditions and stringent qualifi cation requirements that preclude the use of commericial optical transceivers. In particular, radiation, extreme temperature cycling, and high temperatures in vacuum are not compatible with many of the materials and packaging techniques used in commercial transceivers. The electronics in commercial optical transceivers are also prone to single event eff ects (SEE) from radiation exposure, including upset and latch-up. Commercial optical transceivers also lack suffi cient self test and monitoring capabilities, as well as end-of-life (EOL) link power margin for satellite applications where replacing failed parts in not an option. In addition, satellite applications place a much higher value on reducing SWaP (especially power) and fiber count than commercial applications.
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