Red–Green–Blue ( RGB ) colour system approach to study the segregation and percolation in a mixture of white wheat flour and bleached wheat bran

Autor: Amara Aït-Aissa, Mohammed Aider, Meriem Zaddem
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 53:254-261
ISSN: 1365-2621
Popis: Summary In this work, we applied a nonintrusive measurement method based on the Red–Green–Blue (RGB) image analysis system to study the segregation and percolation in a mixture of white wheat flour and bleached wheat bran. This method intended to quantify the presence of one or several colours in the surface of mixed ingredients. The mixing of flour particles with bleached and unbleached wheat bran was studied using a 90 mm closed rotating cube. This system forced the particles to roll relative to each other so as to favourite the segregation by percolation in order to hide one colour by another. The obtained results showed a possibility of obtaining homogeneous colour when the wheat flour was mixed with the bleached wheat bran at a volume ratio of 20/5%–10%. By increasing to ratio up to 20/15% (flour/bran), the RGB system showed a presence of two colours in the surface of the mixture. Moreover, the RGB method confirmed the presence of two heterogeneous colours when the wheat flour was mixed with the unbleached wheat bran whatever the ratio (20/5%, 10% and 15%).
Databáze: OpenAIRE