Italian court orders Amazon not to sell luxury cosmetics subject to a selective distribution network

Autor: Michele Giannino
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice. 15:154-156
ISSN: 1747-1540
DOI: 10.1093/jiplp/jpaa003
Popis: Case 50977/2018 Sisley Italia et al v Amazon Core Europe et al (Sisley v Amazon) (2019) District Court of Milan, Commercial Law Chamber, Decision of 28 March 2019 In upholding an application for an interlocutory injunction, the District Court of Milan ordered Amazon to refrain from marketing, selling, promoting or advertising on its Amazon Marketplace Sisley high - quality cosmetics. The court considered that offering luxury products alongside low-quality goods on the same Internet site: (i) is incompatible with the qualitative standards, which the members of the selective distribution system covering the said cosmetics have to respect; (ii) constitutes trade mark infringement as the existence of a lawful selective distribution network is a legitimate reason for the non-application of the exhaustion principle.
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