A Survey of Selected Avian Pathogens of Backyard Poultry in Northwestern Ecuador

Autor: Pedro Villegas, Sonia M. Hernandez-Divers, Stephen J. Hernandez-Divers, Francisco Prieto, Nancy L. Stedman, Branson W. Ritchie, Juan Carlos Unda, Ron Carroll
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery. 20:147-158
ISSN: 1082-6742
Popis: As part of a larger ecologic research project and to collect disease prevalence information on backyard chicken flocks in northwestern Ecuador, 100 randomly selected birds from 10 flocks were examined, and blood, fecal, and ectoparasite samples were collected. The owners of the flocks were surveyed regarding flock management and disease history. Mean flock size was 20 birds (range, 1–75), and birds were kept for eggs and meat for either domestic consumption or local sale. Vaccination rates were low, with most owners (8 of 10) not vaccinating at all and some (2 of 10) vaccinating with one product either sporadically (1 of 10) or annually (1 of 10). None of the owners treated their chickens for parasites. Mortality rates of offspring were reported as high as 50% (range, 35%–50%) per flock. Deaths were associated with diseases described by owners as causing neurologic signs, sudden death, or respiratory problems. In addition, owners described epizootics of wartlike seasonal skin lesions, presumably ...
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