Residue from the extraction of oil from the Brazil Nut in diets for Tambaqui juveniles / Resíduo da extração do óleo da Castanha do Brasil em dietas para juvenis de Tambaqui

Autor: Dayana Alves Da Costa, Antonia Valcemira Domingos De Oliveira, Guilherme Rocha Moreira, Clebson Lucas De Souza, Luciana Freitas Fernandes, Juliana Milan de Aquino Silva, Paulo Marcio Beber, Marina Marie Bento Nogueira
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Brazilian Journal of Development. 8:50115-50128
ISSN: 2525-8761
DOI: 10.34117/bjdv8n7-092
Popis: The parameters of water quality, productive performance and economic viability were evaluated in tambaqui juveniles fed with different levels (0, 15, 25 and 35%) of Brazil nut meal (BNM). The water parameters measured were: surface temperature (TEMP), dissolved oxygen (OXY), hydrogenic potential (pH), total ammonia (AMO), alkalinity (ALK), hardness (HAR) and nitrite (NIT). Weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), feed intake (FI), apparent feed conversion (AFC), condition factor (K), daily feed intake (DFI) and daily weight gain (DWG) was avaluated. The cost of feed per kilogram consumed (CF US$/kg), cost of feed per kilogram of live weight gain (CF kg/LWG), economic efficiency index (EEI) and cost index (CI) were evaluated. TEMP, AMO, NIT, HAR did not differ (P>0.05), the means were 26.8°C, 0.16 mg L-1, 0 mg L and 17.8 mg L-1, respectively. The pH differed (P
Databáze: OpenAIRE