The Genuine Gains in Twentieth-Century Jewish-Christian Dialogue

Autor: Aaron Gross, Kate Yanina DeConinck
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Pathways for Interreligious Dialogue in the Twenty-First Century ISBN: 9781349568413
DOI: 10.1057/9781137507303_9
Popis: What: has been gained from Jewish Christian dialogue in che last century?2 Of course, a comprehensive assessment of the positive effects of Jewish-Cbristian dialogue is a far larger project than can be undertaken here, and further, it is far from obvious both how to distinguish “dialogue” from other jewisb-Christian encounters and how to understand what constitutes a “gain.” Rather than attempt a necessarily incomplete survey, this essay focuses primarily on the US context and on Jewish-Catholic relations. It argues for one specific and often overlooked gain: the new spaces of Jewish-Christian encounter (if not always dialogue) in academia. Further, it offers one specific and related caution: an argument for greater attendveness to disagreement and difference as we move further into the twenty-first century—an atteiitiveness that is especially appropriate for the academic environment.
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