Mobile edge-networking architectures and control policies for 5G communication systems

Autor: George Iosifidis, Leandros Tassiulas, Dimitris Giatsios
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: WiOpt
Popis: Motivated by the recent proliferation of advanced handheld devices and the unprecedented growth of mobile data traffic, this paper proposes the concept of Mobile edge-Networks (MeNs), a solution that leverages the end-user devices to enhance the performance of emerging 5G systems. MeNs enable mobile users to collaborate with each other and address in a bottom-up fashion key problems in wireless systems, such as poor channel conditions. We design a dynamic cooperation policy that determines transmission parameters of the network in a utility-optimal fashion, ensuring that no user performs worse than she would without cooperation and that the benefits from the collaboration are shared among the users.
Databáze: OpenAIRE