Autor: Olena Yarmak, Oleksandr Petrachkov
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Priority areas for development of scientific research: domestic and foreign experience
DOI: 10.30525/978-9934-26-049-0-39
Popis: The scientific work presents a detailed analysis of the 17-19 years young men morphofunctional status screening studies. The young men who took part in the research did not have any pathologies in their health and belonged to the main medical group. To effectively address the goal of the study, a wide range of methods typical of researches in the field of physical culture and sports was used. A total of 34 indicators were studied, including 23 direct measurements. The reliability of the obtained results is confirmed by adequate theoretical substantiation of scientific positions and research apparatus, highly informative and reliable research methods, optimal duration, correctness of processing, analysis and interpretation of the obtained data. The relevance of the chosen topic is confirmed by the results of the study, which were based on knowledge of age anatomy, age physiology, hygiene of physical culture and sports. Analysis of the young men morphological condition individual results in pre-conscription age indicates incomplete formation of the musculoskeletal system, and the circumferential size of the waist and hips, which exceeded physiological norms indicate the presence of excess body weight. There is a significant asymmetry between the results of wrist dynamometry, the difference between the strength of the right hand and the left hand is 6.2 kg. Studies of the body composition revealed that the average group performance of muscle and bone components of the young men aged 17-19 years is below the physiological norm. The range of muscle component values ranges from a minimum of 36.2% to a maximum of 78.7%, indicating sample heterogeneity. Studies of cardiovascular parameters revealed: heart rate at rest, which exceeded the physiological norm in 26.3% of test subjects, signs of bradycardia in 7.6% of test subjects, signs of hypotension were found in 4.7% of test subjects, signs of hypertension were found in 18.4% of test subjects. We found 7.6% of young men with the pulse pressure exceeded the permissible threshold. The vast majority, which is 70.7% of the studied young men of pre-conscription age, had individual results of endurance coefficient in the range of 17-29 s.u., which indicates a weakened activity of the cardiovascular system. Low individual indicators of lung vital capacity are observed at 8.3% of young men, and are in the range of 2.6-2.9 l. 10.1% of young men with individual respiratory rate results significantly higher than the age norm were also found. In the course of the study, we found that only 19.1% of pre-conscription youth had individual results of the hypoxia index which corresponded to the age norm. The individual results of the Rufier test in pre-conscription young men were distributed as follows: 7.9% have above average level of physical working capacity, 37.2% have average level of physical working capacity, 42.3% have satisfactory level, 12.6% have low level of physical working capacity. It should be noted that as a result of the study we did not find any young men who would have a high level of physical capacity.
Databáze: OpenAIRE