Particle temperature measurements in closed chamber detonations using thermoluminescence from Li2B4O7:Ag,Cu, MgB4O7:Dy,Li and CaSO4:Ce,Tb

Autor: Forrest R. Svingala, James M. Lightstone, Joseph J. Talghader, A. Daniels, Christopher Milby, S. Bastani, Demitrios Stamatis, A.C. Coleman, T. D. Gustafson, Eduardo G. Yukihara
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of Luminescence. 165:145-152
ISSN: 0022-2313
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2015.04.031
Popis: The present work describes the procedures and results from the first temperature measurements in closed chamber detonations obtained using the thermoluminescence (TL) of particles specifically developed for temperature sensing. Li2B4O7:Ag,Cu (LBO), MgB4O7:Dy,Li (MBO) and CaSO4:Ce,Tb (CSO) were tested separately in a total of 12 independent detonations using a closed detonation chamber at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technology Division (NSWC IHEODTD). Detonations were carried out using two different explosives: a high temperature plastic bonded explosive (HPBX) and a low temperature plastic bonded explosive (LPBX). The LPBX and HPBX charges produced temperatures experienced by the TL particles to be between ~550–670 K and ~700–780 K, respectively, depending on the shot. The measured temperatures were reproducible and typically higher than the thermocouple temperatures. These tests demonstrate the survivability of the TL materials and the ability to obtain temperature estimates in realistic conditions, indicating that TL may represent a reliable way of estimating the temperature experienced by free-flowing particles inside an opaque post-detonation fireball.
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