Cerebellar Vermian Dysplasia: The Tale of the Tail

Autor: Kapur Rp, Chapman T
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Pediatric Neurology and Neuroscience. 2
ISSN: 2642-4797
DOI: 10.36959/595/399
Popis: Intradiploic hematoma was first reported in 1934 by Chorbski and Davis. It usually occurs after a mild trauma where a small bleeding accumulates within the diploe in between the tabula interna and externa of the skull. It is to be differentiated from calcified or ossified cephalhematoma. The bleeding in cephalhematoma is subperiosteal and tends to resorb spontaneously within 3-6 months in comparison to intradiploic hematoma which needs a surgical intervention.
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