Steps farther towards micro-nano-mole integration via the multispacer patterning technique

Autor: Danilo Mascolo, Angela Cimmino, A. Di Matteo, Gf Cerofolini, E. Romano, Valeria Casuscelli, Maria Viviana Volpe, V. Di Palma, E Romanelli
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Semiconductor Science and Technology. 22:1053-1060
ISSN: 1361-6641
Popis: The production of memories with bit density of the order of 1011 cm−2 (projected to be possible within the current silicon technology in 2020 AD) seems now possible by exploiting the hybrid crossbar architecture. This new paradigm (that assigns to silicon the functions of power supply, addressing, sensing and writing, and to reprogrammable molecules the function of memory) requires the solution of a number of new problems not considered yet in integrated-circuit processing. In particular, the most advanced example of hybrid crossbars (Green J E et al 2007 Nature 445 414) does not yet consider the problems of hardware demultiplexing (the connection of wire arrays with a sublithographic pitch of 30 nm to lithographic contacts with pitch 90 nm), the covalent linkage of the functional molecules to the crossbar, and their insertion at the end of process. In this paper it is shown that the multispacer patterning technique (Cerofolini G F et al 2005 Nanotechnology 16 1040) can be adapated to solve all these problems.
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