H48 Holistic musictherapy in huntington´s disease

Autor: Sona Therova, Eva Motyckova
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Clinical care and clinical services.
DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2018-ehdn.226
Popis: Background Music therapy is regularly carried out within weekend meetings of Czech Huntington Association. Our patients and their families/friends have the opportunity to experience the active and passive music therapy. In accordance with the used Holistic Music Therapy method of PaedDr. Lubomir Holzer there are used only instuments in natural tuning, from natural materials and handmade (e.g. singing bowls, drums, didjeridoo, shepherd´s pipe, etc.). Singing during therapy is used in a natural position, aliquot and throat singing. Thanks to the acoustic parameters of the so-called ‘free music’ and the personal approach of the music therapist, the person is relaxed very fastly and involuntary movements are stopped. Active forms of music therapy cultivate fine and coarse motor skills. Case history Woman, 23 years old The receptive form of music therapy by using fujaras, singing bowls and didjeridoo. After 20 minutes of the therapy the patient is relaxed, the limbs are released, involuntary movements cease. Accompanying person states deep relaxation, calm breathing, mindless thoughts, lightness of the body and tendency to sleep. Conclusion Holistic music therapy appears to be the most appropriate for improving the quality of life of patients and caregivers. A distinct effect – the rapid onset of physical symptoms relaxed state (relaxation and deep breathing, heart rate stabilized, muscle relaxation, and normalization of brain activity, etc.) can be seen immediately. From a long-term point of view states of mental well-being, improvement of mood, abandonment of thoughts related to poor prognosis of illness are great benefits. Active music therapy techniques develop motoric skills, train concentration, improve sensory perception, foster communication
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