Parallel frequent subgraph mining algorithm

Autor: He Yanshan, Xie Jianli, Zhang Ming, Wang Ting
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: ICSCA
Popis: This paper presents a new frequent subgraph parallel mining algorithm. The algorithm divides the whole process into two parts. Firstly, the master processor generates frequent subtree set by using existing subtree isomorphism judgment algorithm, and distributes the generated subtrees set to other slave processing nodes. Secondly, the slave processing nodes parallel process frequent subgraph edge expansion and isomorphism identification which have the highest time complex in frequent subgraph mining algorithm, so as to achieve purpose of improving the overall efficiency of the algorithm. The time complexity of the algorithm proposed in this paper isO(2n × n2/k) , in which n is the number of frequent edges and k is the number of the slave processing nodes. The experiment choose the open dataset and shows the new algorithm has good performance on efficiency and expansibility.
Databáze: OpenAIRE