Atrial Depolarization Homogeneity Diagnostics on Evidence Derived from MCG

Autor: V. N. Sosnitsky, L. A. Stadnyuk, Illya Chaikovsky, E. M. Chervonopiskaya, A. V. Gapelyuk, Yu. D. Minov
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Biomag 96 ISBN: 9781461270669
DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4612-1260-7_136
Popis: A lot of works, devoted to studies of patients suffering from cardiac rhythm disturbances by magnetic mapping appeared during the last years. The majority of this works is concerned with ventricular rhythm disturbances. We are aware of only several papers, dealing with experimental and clinical studies of supraventricular arrhythmia (SVA) by magnetocardiography (MCG) [1–3]. At the same time, paroxysmal SVA, particularly atrial fibrillation, is the most prevalent variety arrhythmia occurring after extrasystolia, and influences considerably the clinical course of diseases and prognosis. As the result of SVA paroxysms lowering of physical tolerance and progress of heart failure and coronary pathology take place in these pts. This arrhythmia variant may also cause an increase of peripheral embolization risk and, as shown on big population, its correlated with mortality elevation.
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