Dehydration of d-xylose to furfural using selective and hydrothermally stable arenesulfonic SBA-15 catalysts

Autor: Jesús Requies, M.B. Güemez, Pedro L. Arias, Iker Agirrezabal-Telleria
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 145:34-42
ISSN: 0926-3373
Popis: Furfural (FUR), produced from pentosan-rich biomass, is extensively used as precursor for the furan based chemistry. However, the manufacturing process presents several disadvantages, such as toxic effluents or corrosion issues. Novel heterogeneous catalysts feature high Bronsted acidity and adequate textural-properties to increase FUR selectivity. Modified mesoporous supports have been reported as very appropriate to selectively produce FUR from xylose. This work summarizes the xylose dehydration activity of arenesulfonic SBA-15 catalysts synthesized at high aging-temperature. The SBA-15 catalysts synthesized via co-condensation showed a hexagonal pore arrangement, high arenesulfonic-site incorporation and suitable textural-properties. The activity results in water/toluene revealed that catalysts aged at 180 °C could achieve FUR yield of 80% at 99% conversion on reactions at 160 °C. This was mainly attributed to the high hydrothermal stability of the arenesulfonic-sites and to the porous structure. The catalysts aged at 180 °C showed negligible acid-site leaching effects. The used catalysts were regenerated by a thermal treatment at 290 °C and these showed good reusability on repetitive runs at the investigated reaction-temperatures. However, the catalysts aged at lower temperatures showed important deactivation rates.
Databáze: OpenAIRE