Social dimension of modern higher school teachers' personality

Autor: Irina D. Levina, Vladimir M. Ananishnev, Valeriya S. Suyskaya, Aleksandr M. Egorychev, Aleksandr M. Tyutchenko, Anna G. Akhtyan
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Linguistics and Culture Review. 5:1606-1618
ISSN: 2690-103X
Popis: This research deals with an important state and public problem concerning the expertise of higher school teachers; according to the authors, the latter is determined by their formation level of the social dimension of personality. In the paper, issues are discussed touching on the essence and content of the social dimension of personality in relation to teachers of modern higher educational institutions in their professional activity. The paper covers requirements set for teachers of modern higher educational institutions, problems, and controversies preventing Russian higher school from developing efficiently, etc. The objective of the research consisted in providing grounds for the necessity of making the focus area associated with the formation and development of higher school teachers' social dimension relevant within the Russian education system (in terms of theory and practice). Conceptual statements on the development of consciousness and worldview of higher educational institution teachers within their professional activity are substantiated. Similarly, so are provisions on adoption, acceptance, and inclusion of meanings and values of the Russian culture into the educational process, as well as on the teachers' understanding their state and public mission as serving their Motherland.
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