Electrical Characteristics of PEDOT:PSS Organic Contacts to HgCdTe

Autor: C. Fulk, J. J. Siddiqui, P.Y. Emelie, S. Sivananthan, E. Cagin, Jamie Phillips, James W. Garland
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Electronic Materials. 36:841-845
ISSN: 1543-186X
Popis: The electrical characteristics of organic (3,4-polyethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) contacts to HgCdTe are studied as a potential alternative to metal/HgCdTe contacts. The use of organic PEDOT:PSS contacts offers the potential for an improved contact technology for HgCdTe IR detector arrays. In this work, PEDOT:PSS contacts are deposited on n-type and p-type HgCdTe epilayers by spin coating and patterned using a metal mask. Current-voltage (I-V) characteristics are measured on these contacts, showing nearly ohmic behavior. The temperature dependence of I-V characteristics (T = 40-300 K) shows increased resistance for decreasing temperature, consistent with the temperature dependence of HgCdTe resistivity, suggesting that the I-V characteristics are primarily dominated by the HgCdTe material.
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